Thursday, November 15, 2012

Few words...great impact...

Someone I know has made her transition. I did not know her well, that is, we did not have great conversations. I do not know what she did for a living. I do not know how many brothers and sisters she has. She was a lady in her upper nineties. Her son use to bring her to church every Sunday. At that time, she was able to walk on her own. She was on his arm as though she was a Queen. I think she had to be. She (they, her and her son) got my attention. It looked so sweet and honorable. I even fantasized how I would feel on the arms of my son.

She always had such a beautiful and warm smile. She was a lady of few words. I never recall her in conversation with anyone. She was a quiet spirit. I could feel the love radiating from her. I did not try to force a conversation with her. I felt comfortable just being in her presence smiling at her and with her.

There were a few Sundays that I did not see her face. Although, this sweet woman did not say a lot, her presence was missed. Her son would give us, (the congregation) updates on her from time to time. Then last week she was taken to the hospital for a short stay and was returned home where she made her transition.

She will be missed. I know I will miss seeing her smiling face and her quiet demeanor. I shall hold this picture of her in memory.

Meditation: contemplate on, I am connected to everyone and everything in the Universe. Although the life form that I am use to seeing leaves the earth, it continues on its journey. I hold my love ones in my heart and memory. I am sending love throughout the Universe knowing it reaches everyone and everything. Take 3 deep breaths and then go into the silence for at least 3 minutes. Lovely LadyFran

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