Sunday, September 1, 2013

Who do you trust...another person or the Divine?

Today our minister gave a message which was based on part of her spiritual journey that took her to India. Aside from being elated that she was safe and returned back to us, we waited and hung onto every word that she had to say.

There was a trust walk that she experienced that she chose to share with us. She was blindfolded and could not see where she was walking. She had a compassionate spiritual guide there every step of the way. She came through this amazing experience not without realizing where her trust lie.

Her trust was in the Divine. She could have trusted her spiritual guide. As I listened to this great share, I thought to myself, what if she placed her trust in a person. A person could himself/herself depending on what is going on with them, fall or trip. The Divine within you always has your back. This wise lady put her trust in the Divine within herself.

The Divine is within all of us. Always trust the Divine within you.


Contemplate on: I am trust.

Affirmation: Trust is within me. It is always available through the Divine in me and I am secure in the arms of the Divine.

Path to Silence: Breathe deeply...know that the exhale is the Divine. Take 3 deep cleansing breaths and go into the silence for at least 3 minutes. Lovely LadyFran