Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day!

Mother... even the word or name suggests love and nourishment. Today, we honor and recognize our mothers whether they are with us in this dimension or through the veil in the heavenly realm. For those who read this and say that they did not get a lot of nourishment from their mothers, you still can honor your mother for the fact that she carried you within her body where you survived and you are here now. So I give honor to my mother who is in the heavenly realm. I am strong because of who you were here on earth, mother.

Happy Mother's Day!

Dedicated To All Mothers and those who mothered children.

Just love me for who I am, a person who thrives on love.
Just love me for who I am, a mother who loves passionately her significant other, her children, her grands, her friends and all of life.
Just love me for who I am, a teacher, a counselor, a cook and much more.
You see, I am so much more than what is written here.
Just love me for who I am, I am a spark of the Divine.
Lovely LadyFran