Monday, April 22, 2013

Ideas + Enthusiasm

~Ideas~   thoughts, conceptions, a notion.
~Enthusiasm~   eagerness,warmth, fervor, zeal, and devotion.

Sometimes we receive ideas and we do not know what to do with them. I recently received an idea that I did not know what to do with it. I know it felt like a good idea to share a documentary with as many people as I could. This documentary had to do with; science through the use of DNA shows that every human being who is alive today originated in Africa. Through the DNA it can be shown the paths that each group who left Africa took. It is through DNA that gives us as a Human Family the true story of our origin, why we look the way we do and why we left in the first place.

I shared this idea with the minister at my church. The minister was excited and showed enthusiasm. I shared the idea and what I had seen in this documentary with two more people and they became excited. When I stopped to take a breath, there were people who were now enthusiastic enough to ask to be part of this project. Yes, it is now a project. This film is going to be shown at my church as part of a series. The next two films have been put up for discussion and be voted on if we want to make them part of the series. We have a large committee and it is a wonderful feeling to see how an idea can grow. What if I had kept this idea to myself? Someone else would have done this project. A great idea cannot be hidden or buried. Ideas or thoughts originate in the mind of God, the Creator.

I believe enthusiasm is a very important part to growing ideas. This one certainly has grown very nicely, I might add. I am looking forward to presenting this film with a panel for discussion in the fall of this year.

This can happen when an idea comes into your mind and you receive it with enthusiasm. We are allowing this project to unfold as Spirit guides us through the process. I am enthusiastic about this project.


Contemplate on: God is giving me good ideas.

Affirm: God is giving me great ideas and enthusiasm to make my ideas manifest for my highest good and the good of all concerned.

Path to Silence: Take 3 deep cleansing breaths. Go into the silence for at 3 minutes. Lovely LadyFran

Monday, April 15, 2013


 I recently watch a documentary produced by the National Geographic Network called "Stress: a portrait of a killer.

Stress according to Dr. Sapolski out of Stanford University is not a state of mind. Stress is specific and is built into our bodies in a particular place, the adrenalin, put there to protect us. Stress was meant to get us through and then leave. In our human society, we cannot seem to turn stress off.

Dr. Sapolski is a scientist, who works with students at Stanford University and who also works out of Kenya, Africa with a population of Baboons, which he says is a good model for human beings.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Making choices, making changes...being consistent.

Change~Something that is made different from what it is.

Consistency~Steadfast adherence to the same principles, courses or form.

We are making choices all the time. I choose to change my dietary lifestyle and I desire to be consistent with this intention. It is not easy  although, I pray, meditate, visualize, vision and read inspirational materials. Each one of us still has to "do the work". Prayer and spiritual practices are necessary parts of the plan.

Although, I release and let God, I still have an active part in the process. I pray for strength and consistency in order for this manifestation to take place.

I feel this is true for any change that is desired in life. Visioning, visualization, prayer, meditation and inspirational materials help. All of us must take action as well as pray. Finally, we release our desires and needs into the Mind of God, that part of the Law that knows and manifests all things into our reality.


Contemplate on: Change and consistency are a part of me.

Affirm: I am consistent and I am open to receive the changes that I desire.

Path to Silence: Take 3 deep cleansing breaths and now go into the silence for at least 3 minutes.
Lovely LadyFran

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Divine Unfoldment...

Divine unfoldment...Unwraps and reveals what is meant to be. Lovely LadyFran

I watched a TV show about a man who has pyschic powers. His friend needed a heart transplant and through his sister found out his old friend was the one with these powers.

This man asked the psychic, if he would receive a heart. The psychic was glad to see the good news through his ability that his friend would receive a heart and it would be compatible with his body.

Later, the psychic decided to dig deeper and realized through his psychic powers that the heart the man would receive was his sister's heart. The psychic was upset because he wanted both the old friend and his friend's sister to both live. The psychic went to a person very influential and asked if he would pull strings to give the the heart on the list to his friend. This influential person was also a minister and thought that this change of events through manipulation would change life's natural course.

The psychic decided to go to the person who was the one who would be responsible for his friend's sister's death. Only this man who had a history of driving and drinking was going to have an accident on that particular day and it would be a bus with children. The psychic finally got it and allowed the events to unfold as they must.

Sometimes, we do not like the way things turn out. If we have faith and trust our Source (God), all things will work for our greater good. We must let the Divine unfoldment take place and know that we are where we should be and will get through whatever is for us.

This does not mean that we can not make better choices for ourselves but we must let our lives and others lives unfold divinely and in divine order.


Contemplate on: I am listening to the the Holy, Holy Spirit.

Affirm: I am listening to the voice of wisdom within me. I am aligned with wisdom and right action. I follow the guidance of God.

Path to Silence: Take 3 deep cleansing breaths and then go into the silence for at least 3 minutes. Lovely LadyFran