Saturday, January 12, 2013


Peace a state of mutual harmony between people or groups; and in personal relationships. (2) non-warring conditions of a nation, groups of nations and the world.

Peace is what most of us want and are working towards. Let peace begin with you.


Contemplate on: Peace

Affirm: Let peace begin with me. I am at peace.

Path to Silence: Take 3 deep cleansing breaths. Go into the silence for at least 3 minutes. Lovely LadyFran


Calm: Freedom from agitation. Still or stillness. Tranquility, Serenity.

When we say... be calm, it does not mean that anything will change just by being still. I think we know that we can not do anything in a state of chaos. This is why we need to calm ourselves. In this calmness, peace is revealed. Love is also present. We are now on our way to a solution to whatever the problem is. We can now see and feel in ourselves or whomever is helping us, at that particular moment, that all is well.


Contemplation: The word is C A L M.

Affirm: My whole being is in a state of calmness.

Path of silence: Take 3 deep cleansing breaths. Go into the silence for at least three minutes. (You may go into the silence for less than three minutes or more than 3 minutes. It is up to you.) Lovely LadyFran


Change: To make the form or content of something different from what it is.

Frequency: The frequency and format of the meditations has been changed. There will be one meditation that will be for a week beginning Sunday through Saturday.

Format: There will be a word to contemplate on and an affirmation to help with stilling the mind.

Guidance to that space of silence: Finally, there is self guidance to that space of silence. You may be in that space for one, two, three minutes or more.


Contemplate on: Change

Affirm: I am in a constant state of change.

Path to silence: Take 3 deep cleansing breaths. Focus on breathing especially if thoughts seem to be a distraction. Remain in this space of silence for one, two, three minutes or more. Lovely LadyFran

Monday, January 7, 2013

Eating the rights foods for your body...

I treated my grands to pizza yesterday and usually I fall off the wagon and eat with them. When I ordered their pizza, I ordered one where I put only vegetables on 1/2 half of the second one.

For my dinner, I prepared chicken and steamed vegetables. When the pizza arrived, everyone was looking forward to opening the boxes and eating pizza. It looked unusually good. I had one small taste and then I served the pizza to them and I ate my prepared meal. It felt good to stay with the plan.

Meditation: Contemplation:  For week of January 7, 2013

God is in all of my affairs. I take the right nutriments into my body that heal, make my body strong and efficient. Take 3 deep cleansing breaths and go into the silence for at least 3 minutes. Lovely LadyFran

Sunday, January 6, 2013

I am present in this moment...

I have started my gratitude jar. I have much to be grateful for each day. One of the things that I am grateful for is being able to adapt to change. I did not say that I adapt easily to all change but I can say that I am on my way. It is amazing when you change your perspective on things, those same things begin to look different. I feel at peace, calm and I am quiet and still. I feel present in this moment.

Meditation: Contemplation: I am present in my body in this moment. I am at peace. I am still. I am calm. I breathe slowly and I am one with the Holy Spirit. I am aware of my oneness with Spirit. Take 3 deep cleansing breaths. Be in the moment and just sit and breathe for at least 3 minutes. Lovely LadyFran

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Letting go of the old to make room for new...

One day I noticed how cluttered my house was. It is so easy for things to accumulate. Once I made up my mind to get rid of the clutter, it was a good feeling just to make the decision to do so. After the things were donated or put in the trash, I felt very light. I realized later that I was preparing for something new. This is true for letting go of thoughts that no longer serve us. We are preparing for something new.

Meditation: contemplate on, I release those thoughts that no longer serve me. I think only positive thoughts of peace, love and joy. Take 3 deep cleansing breaths and go into the silence for at least 3 minutes. Lovely LadyFran

Friday, January 4, 2013

After the storm comes the calm...

Someone shared that they went to make a layaway payment on merchandise that was being kept in a store. An anonymous person paid their balance off along with others.

I just said to someone not even a month ago that we would start to see random acts of kindness. I believe this is going to become more and more frequent. Isn't it said, after the storm comes the calm? We have been seeing some ugly behavior from people recently. Even if there is more ugliness, the calm is definitely giving us a glimpse of what could be.

Meditation: contemplate on, I am shining my light in the world for all to see. I hold steadfast in my faith that peace, respect and harmony is manifesting right now. Take 3 deep cleansing breaths and go into the silence for at least 3 minutes. Lovely LadyFran

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Life is a mystery...

Before Dr. Eben Alexander underwent his journey, he could not reconcile his knowledge of neuroscience with any belief in heaven, God, or the soul. Today he is a doctor who believes that true health can be achieved only when we realize that God and the soul are real, and that death is not the end of personal existence but only a transition. Raymond A. Moody, M.D., Ph.D., author of Life Beyond Life

No matter what we think we know, something can happen to us to make us re-think what we really believe. It usually happens when we  go through a traumatic experience.

With all the faith that most of us profess, I believe we all would like to know, for sure, where do we go after life on earth. I speak with people who just do not want to discuss it and others who need for someone that they consider to be spiritual to have an answer.

Our insights have come from people who experienced near death experiences, sages and mystics throughout the ages. People who are only convinced through science and medical research have allowed themselves to believe that when a person dies, this is the end of life.

Like minded people like myself want to believe that this is not the end of life and in fact life continues. These thoughts have recently filled my mind because I am reading a book by Dr. Eben Alexander, who is a medical doctor (a neurosurgeon) and is the author of Proof of Heaven. Perhaps, this book can give us more insights into this topic but will not tell us for sure what we want to know because life is a mystery and each one of us has to experience the truth for ourselves.

Meditation: contemplate on, life is a mystery. I keep the faith that in time, I shall know what I am suppose to know, that is, the truth. I continue to live life fully now. Take 3 deep cleansing breaths and go into the silence for at least 3 minutes. Lovely LadyFran

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Keeping a gratitude jar...

I am starting a gratitude jar the first day of the new year. I was unable to find an empty jar so I am using an empty cookie tin. Each time something good happens or I receive a blessing, I will write it down on a note and put it into the tin. At the end of the year, I will dump the contents of the tin out and review all the wonderful blessings that occurred during the year. We do forget sometimes that we are being blessed all the time. Reviewing the year of keeping a gratitude container serves to remind me that I am constantly being blessed.

Meditation: contemplate on, I am being blessed all the time. I am grateful. Take a couple of deep breaths, breathing out slowly through parted lips. Take one more deep breath and then go into the silence for at least 3 minutes. Lovely LadyFran

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

January 2, 2013...the day after the new year.

The day after...

At the end of a year, there is hope and gleam in the eyes of most people. Then the new year begins and it seems the same as the year before. The job is the same and the same bills come to be paid on time.

So, how is this year any different from the previous one. It appears to be the same because it is the same. Now we get a chance to respond differently to the same circumstances. In responding differently to the same circumstances, new circumstances show themselves. The more we look at what may seem like old hat and respond not just differently but more positively we are changing the old world order. It is we who make the same world appear different through our responses. Why would we respond differently to the same situation? We respond differently to the same situation because the old response did not get us the outcome that we desired. A response comes from thinking about something. If our response is different to the same situation then we must have changed our thinking.

When you change your thinking, you change your life. This is how our new year can be for us if we consider changing our thoughts, thoughts that did not serve us. When we consider new thoughts and they serve us and everyone around us then the situation changes and so does our world.

I will continue to affirm peace, love, harmony and joy for me, my family, friends and everyone in the world. I believe this year is only the beginning of many positive changes that we will see and experience throughout this new year. I am hopeful that peace is just a breath away.

Meditation: contemplate on, I am hopeful that peace is just a breath away. Wherever I am, joy, health, love, harmony and peace greets me and embraces me. Take a moment to notice your breathing. Exhale slowly, letting out any stale air or thoughts. Now, inhale deeply and exhale through parted lips. Take another deep cleansing breath and exhale through your nose. Take one more deep cleansing breath and exhale through parted lips. Relax and notice your breath. Sit quietly for at least 3 minutes. Lovely LadyFran