Saturday, June 29, 2013

Looking for Love...

~Love~ is a great feeling or affection for something or someone irregardless of faults or flaws. Lovely LadyFran

There are many forms in which one can express love.
There is love for parents, children, nature, careers, talents, skills, the arts and of course a person to share the most intimate part of ourselves with. It is a yearning that people have that leads to a lifetime trip sometime without much success.

We often spend a lifetime making our exterior bodies over to attract love and we even become someone we are not in hopes to attract love.

Yes, most of us are looking for love. We look in many places except within where the lover resides waiting for you to recognize it. It's not very often that I have witnessed two people who come to the alter knowing that love was within and waited for the right time to caress it gently and through the union of marriage express their love for one another.

What a wonderful opportunity to share in the union of two families and learn a lesson all at the same occasion.

When love reveals itself in others, there are many observers. Today, I was an observer to love. It felt wonderful. I felt my heart tremble with joy to witness this love.

I attended a wedding today that brought so many elements into the ceremony. All ancestors  past and present were honored through Libation. We were not all of one denomination, yet, we all recognize that we share or are all part of the one Spirit, one Soul and one Love. We realize that there is only God and therefore there is only Love.

Love begins with self. We must get in touch with the lover from within and then the manifestation of our true lover who resides in all of us will appear. If you have not found that lover yet, just keep on loving yourself. That love will show up when you least expect it to.


Contemplate on: I am love.

Affirm: There is only God and God is love. I am love. Love lives in me and all of creation. The love I see in me  is the same love that I see in another.

Path to Silence: Take 3 deep cleansing breaths, then go into the silence for at least 3 minutes. Lovely LadyFran

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Staying with Higher Thoughts

Thought is energy that moves through all of life. We, humans, have the right to use this power for our highest good and the good of all concerned. It is so easy to fall into lower thought form because all you have to do is accept all thoughts that come into the mind as yours. If you have not been aware then no wonder what you see in your world does not make you happy or fulfilled. With time, practice and intention, it is just as easy to choose higher thought form. It does require awareness.

It takes 21 days of doing something or reaffirming an affirmation for this thing to become a habit. This is a tool we can use to help choose the way we wish to think and it becomes a habit and therefore automatic.

Many people think that lower thoughts just happen. They seem to be easier because the mind wanders and accepts thoughts that pass through the mind. If you are unaware of this then, you are taking a passive role in forming your reality. Just because you do not actively participate in directing this power that you have within you, does not stop the universal law from working. You see, the universal law is automatic and is no respecter of male nor female, black not white, rich nor poor or kind nor greedy. The law acts in a reciprocated manner. What it receives it returns in kind, only two-fold.

When you understand that your thoughts are things waiting for you to give it form to manifest into your life, then you are taking responsibility for what your world looks like in spite of what you see around you with your physical eyes and senses. In time, when you choose to accept your highest thoughts, you will see the manifestation in your world.


Contemplate on: I only accept my highest thoughts.
Affirmation: I am accepting the thoughts that are for my highest good and the good of all concerned. I am in alignment with the wholeness of God.
Path to Silence: Exhale and allow the air to leave as you release. Now, take a deep breath and exhale deeply. Take two more deep breaths and then exhale deeply. Go into the silence for at least 3 minutes. Lovely LadyFran

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

I live and have my being in God...

I recognize the presence of God that lives within me and all of creation. God is All things and there is only God. The Allness of God is in me and moves through me expressing as me. I know I am one with God. All is well in my life today and always. I am whole, well, prosperous, love, peace, joy and abundantly blessed. I radiate all that is within me throughout my outer world. I reflect all of God's goodness into my life right now. I give thanks for this truth. I release this prayer into the Universe with deep conviction and faith. I let go and let God. And So It Is.


Contemplate on: I live and have my being in God.

Affirm: God is love, peace, joy and the source of all things. All my needs are taken care of for the Source is within me.

Path to Silence: Take 3 deep cleansing breaths and then go into the silence for at least 3 minutes. Lovely LadyFran

Monday, June 3, 2013

A perfect day in everyway...

 Treatment (An Affirmative Prayer)

I recognize the Presence of God that lives in me and all things made, this includes the animate and the inanimate. God is unconditional love, wisdom, knowledge, creativity, abundance, prosperity, peace, love, joy, health and is Source of all things. God is complete, whole and perfect.

I am made in the image of God. All that God is, so am I. There is only God. I am one with God. This is true for me and this is true for everyone reading this prayer, those who know me and those who never heard of me.

I realize that God is right where I am. The spirit of God moves through me expressing as me. God is in all of my activities and all who come into my life today and always. All that takes place today is as God intended, making my day perfect. I allow the divine plan to unfold knowing that God is working everything out for my highest and best and for the good of all concerned., it is all God. My day unfolds perfectly in every way. I am now whole and complete.

I give thanks for these truths. I am grateful for this perfect day. I am eternally grateful.

I release these words with conviction into the Universe. It is already done. I let go and let God.

And So It Is.


Contemplate on: God is the source of all supply.

Affirm: God is the source of all supply and God lives within me. My needs are taken care of. I am complete.

Path to Silence: Take 3 deep cleansing breaths. Go into the silence for at least 3 minutes. Lovely LadyFran