Saturday, September 29, 2012

What does Peace, Love and Harmony mean to you?

Peace...a state of harmony among people or groups... nations.
Harmony...agreement; accord.
Blessing...a gift from the heart through acts of kindness or words.
Beauty...a quality present in a thing or person that gives intense pleasure or deep satisfaction of the mind.
(Ref.: from the Source of all things expressed  and given through acts of kindness or words, seen and unseen. Lovely LadyFran peace, harmony, beauty, respect, honor, wishes of the Goodness of  God for oneself, others (and to all things made). Love is an awareness of a Oneness with all things. Spirit, the Soul, feelings, emotions, thoughts, words, deeds and our physical bodies are vehicles through which love is expressed. Lovely LadyFran

Meditation: contemplate on, I am love. Love is beauty and peace. There is only love. Take 3 deep cleansing breaths and go into the silence for at least 3 minutes. Lovely LadyFran

Integrity to youself...

Integrity means honesty and honesty mean sincerity. (reference:

When we give our word we must give it with integrity. I use to think that I had to say "yes" to everything and everyone because I am a person with integrity. Now, I ask the question, am I really a person with integrity?

Even when I either could not or did not want to honor a commitment, I did anyway. Now who am I being dishonest to?  This also means that I was saying yes everywhere and trying to meet a commitment in more than one situation. My heart was torn. I was not very happy and this is because I could not say "no".

In order to be honest, (honorable), sincere and have integrity, sometimes we must say "no". When we say "no", others realize our "yes" is sincere and we have integrity.

Meditation: contemplate on, when I say yes, it is Spirit guiding me for my greater good and the good of all concerned. Take 3 deep cleansing breaths and go into the silence for at least 3 minutes. Lovely LadyFran

Friday, September 28, 2012


A comparison of yourself to another is a violation of the self. Iyanla Vanzant

All my life, I was compared to others by my mother. I quickly started to believe that I was not good enough. My mother re-enforced this lack of ... over and over again. I learned to compare myself to others. The other person always in my comparison was better than me, leaving me wondering why I did not have some of their qualities. This was part of my negative self talk. When you are looking at someone else's qualities, you are not focusing on the good qualities that you have. If you cannot accept yourself then you cannot accept others for who they are. Of course, we are all different because that's what makes us individuals. Comparing yourself to someone else has no value to you.

Now, I accept myself for who I am.  I embrace my whole self, even the parts of me that I have decided to change. I am being true to who I am.

Meditation: contemplate on, I am true to myself. I accept myself just as I am. Take 3 deep breaths then go into the silence for at least 3 minutes. Lovely LadyFran

Thursday, September 27, 2012

My Words...

Anxiety weighs down the human heart, but a good word cheers it up.
 ~Proverbs~ 12:25

 Why just give your kind words to others? Those kind words that you say to others are true about you too. I have said to family, friends and strangers how beautiful they are. Sometimes, I have told others how wonderful they are. There were even times when I encouraged family and friends to pursue their dreams. While this is commendable, I failed to tell myself how beautiful and wonderful I am. I was not encouraging myself to pursue my own dreams. Begin to use your kind words to uplift others but never forget to use kinds words to uplift yourself. Everything begins with you, this way you have so much more to give.

Make it a habit to self talk in a positive way and watch the wonderful changes in your life.

Meditation: contemplate on, I am now telling myself the truth and then I share it with others. Take 3 deep cleansing breaths, go into the silence for at least 3 minutes. Lovely LadyFran

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Preparation for Treatment-Prayer

A man who is always distraught cannot give a good treatment for peace. So there must not only be the image in the man's mind who is giving the treatment, but there must be an appreciation of what the image means, before the image can reflect itself, otherwise, it is a word and not an embodiment. Ernest Holmes, The Science of Mind, page 176

If we are serious about receiving an answered prayer, we must prepare ourselves before speaking the word. Of course, when we become disturbed about any matter, we instantly pray. However, I believe an answered prayer requires that the practitioner or the person praying prepares him/herself by becoming still. There must be an image in the practitioner's mind or person praying and he/she has to appreciate the meaning of the image before the image can reflect itself or manifest. The word spoken in a treatment or affirmative prayer must be embodied and not just a word. The word spoken with conviction carries power.

Meditation: contemplate on, before I pray, I still myself first, then I speak my word with conviction. Take 3 deep breaths then go into the silence for at least 3 minutes. Lovely LadyFran

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

We are always at Choice...

How do we know when we make a choice that it is the right one? We must realize that we are making choices all the time. We have been making choices from the beginning of our entry into this plane. I believe this to be true. After all, it is written in scriptures that man/woman was given freewill, the right of choice.

My grandson was diagnosed with autism when he was two and a half years old. He had the classic symptoms. He stared off into space and there was no eye contact. He did not smile nor did he speak. I remember reading that the spirit in a baby, young child, an adult, older adult and everything made is the same spirit because there is but one Spirit. I believe the spirit that flows through my grandson is the same spirit that flows through me. I am one with my grandson.

My grandson and I spent many hours together. I knew very little about autism. I decided to meditate with him in my arms and speak to him not through words but through the heart. Each day, I would hug him. I told him I love him. I would cup his face in my hands and look into his eyes very close while speaking to him. His eyes were dark as though someone had turned the lights off. I told him that I loved him very much and that I was glad he was here on earth with me at this time. I told him that people on earth communicated through language. If he chose to speak then his family would know if he were happy or not. I appealed to him to try to speak with help of course from everyone who loves him. I needed a sign that he understood me and would let me know that he was making a choice about how his life was going to precede.  He seemed miserable and not very happy about being present in this life.

After I meditated with him  for several days, there was something different about him on this particular day. He was sitting on my lap with his head on my shoulder, as he normally did. I sat quietly and meditated with him. He fell asleep while I meditated. Then, he woke up, took his hands and cupped my face and looked into my eyes and smiled at me. I could not believe it. I saw the light turn on in his eyes. That day, I believe he made a choice to be present in this life.

How do we know when we make a choice that it is the right one? When the result of that choice works well not just for you but for all concerned, everyone one in your life.

Meditation: contemplate on, I still myself and listen to my intuition it leads and guides me in making right choices. Take 3 deep breaths and go into the silence for at least 3 minutes. Lovely LadyFran

Monday, September 24, 2012

Clearing out the mind...

I clear my mind to let in new loving thoughts.
"...we all use the Creative power of the Universal Mind every time we use our own mind. Ernest Holmes, The Science of Mind

When we use our mind, we are using the Creative power of the Universal Mind. If we do not clear our minds on a regular basis then we continue to have the same thoughts day in day out. Our experiences do not change. We do not seem to get new creative ideas. We seem to be stuck in the same old thinking pattern.

This brings me back to when my son went away to college. He was 17 years old and I had to sign for him to stay on campus. My husband, his father, was gone from our lives for most of my son's life. I shared a special bond with my son. When my son left home, it left an empty void in my heart and home. I would go to his room and just lay on his bed and remember the great times we shared together. I was reading a book, of many books that I was reading at the time, that stated that we must clear out our minds daily and let in new thoughts, new creative ideas or we would remain stuck in ideas that do not serve us.

I was meditating and stilling my mind but this exercise seem to me worth trying. I chose to use my son's room to do this clearing out of my daily thoughts. I would turn the phones off and let the messages be left on my answering machine. I decorated the room so it was peaceful and uncluttered and ready for me when I arrived home. I would go right into this room and lay on the bed and begin taking deep breaths. The deep breathing was a way to prepare for this exercise. Once I was relaxed, I began by choosing a word like love, peace, joy, abundance. I would say in my mind the word of choice over and over again.

By doing this mantra, I was allowing thoughts to drift by and not enter my mind so that these thoughts would not distract me. The object of this exercise was not to think. After repeating this word over and over, I began to sink down into a part of my mind that was not thinking and not resisting thoughts. I allowed all thoughts of the day to drift away. Sometimes, I would fall asleep and awaken so refreshed. 

I noticed that I would receive fresh clear thoughts, creative ideas about how to develop exercises to teach my students. I was very concerned about making geometry easy and understandable for all of my students, who truly wanted to learn, and not just for the few, who understood no matter how the lesson was taught. I continued doing this exercise and looked forward to doing it daily. I felt very relaxed and was able to see other positive things happening in my life, as a result of this clearing the mind exercise. I was allowing room for more creative thoughts to enter my mind. I felt more loving, peaceful and at ease with myself. I was very much in tune with my intuition.

Meditation: contemplate on, I allow my mind to be clear of daily thoughts so that my mind is free to receive new and creative thoughts. Take 3 deep cleansing breaths and go into the silence for at least 3 minutes.
Lovely LadyFran

Sunday, September 23, 2012

God's will...
Tune into Guy E. Lawson on the topic of thy will is God's will on blog talk radio.

When we do things like work and live our lives, some of us think this is not spiritual or being spiritual. Some think that we are only spiritual when we say grace, pray, go to church or events similar to church events.

The truth is all is God. God is in everything and is everywhere present. The living God lives within us. There is only God. All that exist has life in God and God is in and through all that exists. What we call positive, negative or indifferent is all God. There is only one power in the Universe and that is God. We are all spiritual beings whether we pray or not. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.

There is only one Mind, the Mind of God. We are in and use the Mind of God. Every thought that comes to your mind is not your thought. This is why you can choose to let that thought pass by. The original thought of God is Good as declared in the Bible, all that God has made is Good. All that we see, feel and experience is a thought in the Mind of God made manifest in our world, in our reality. Because man/woman is made in the image of God, man/woman also creates through thought. Thought with conviction (feeling) is a belief which becomes a thing, a manifestation. This is why man/woman must be careful of what he/she thinks.

Saturday, September 22, 2012


 We talk about peace. There are so many ideas of what it is and how to obtain it. I believe peace, love, harmony, respect, compassion and right actions are all part of peace.

How can we think about peace with another person without love, respect, compassion and harmony? If we think that peace is just not being at war, then, this is not a complete idea or picture of peace. The first time one person does not respect the other person, we have a conflict and possibly violence, and on a larger scale...war. Respect for our and another person's home, our children, garden, animals and the our earth are as important.

Of course, peace begins in each one of our minds and hearts. Once we are peaceful, we act and we do peaceful things. If most of us adopted this attitude then we would have peaceful communities that spread throughout the  world.

If we could entertain the idea of loving, respecting and honoring life, peace is achievable in our lifetime.

Meditation: contemplate on, Peace begins in my mind and heart. Take 3 deep cleansing breaths, now go into the silence for at least 3 minutes. Lovely LadyFran

Friday, September 21, 2012

I am enjoying the walk...

I cannot imagine why I was in such a hurry to get to the destination or to reach some goal. I have taken an attitude of when I get there, I get there, and I am grateful. Life is so much more fulfilling and joyous. This does not mean I am now showing up for appointments late. I prepare to be somewhere and most times I am early, right on time or just plain on time for the occasion, meaning I was more concerned about getting to the destination and not disappointing anyone. When I let go of the old thinking and do the appropriate amount of preparation, I arrive on time even if I am late. Sometimes I am still the first one to get there. I now see that perhaps, I was meant to be in another space or place for a greater purpose. I do not want to miss out on those moments.

I carry this attitude as I walk on my journey of life. When we hurry to get something (such as, a new car, more money, a larger home, a special someone in our lives, more loving relationships), most times we get these things, then we lose interest after awhile and move on to something else, reaching the end point with the same lack of fulfillment. I began to realize that it was indeed, the in between steps that fulfilled me the most. If there is a beginning, there will be an end. I discovered I will get there. Getting there is not the most important thing any longer. I think for me this is growth.

So, I just allow the process and let it unfold in its own time and way. I was one who wanted to skip steps. The steps between the beginning and end turns out to be valuable and sometimes that is where the joy lies.

Meditation: contemplate on, I allow the divine process to unfold in its own time and way and I enjoy each step in the process on my walk. Take 3 cleansing deep breaths, go into the silence for at least 3 minutes.
Lovely LadyFran

Thursday, September 20, 2012


"...we must not have fear for the future. I see the future bright with promise. It beckons me forward to a complete realization of my own worth and my rightful place in the Universe." Ernest Holmes, The Science of Mind

When we look at our world, it seems like a scary place with so much violence, greed and suffering taking place. Our focus must remain in Truth and we must continue to allow our faith to grow strong. Peace, Love and Harmony is possible in our lifetime. With God all things are possible and this too shall pass.

Meditation: contemplate on, I continue to live in the present. I move forward embracing my rightful place in the Universe and future moments that are in the eternal now. Lovely LadyFran

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Patience is a great quality to develop if you are not doing so. Just as the farmers who till the earth preparing for the seeds to be planted and the end result to be a flower, fruit or plant, so must we have patience to see the result that we wish to manifest in our lives.

There is so much evidence suggesting that stress is a contributor to some diseases. Many times we are stressed out because our patience level is low. This causes our emotions to erupt producing chemicals that may settle in various areas of our bodies causing diseases. Sometimes in situations, we can and must choose what thoughts we will allow in our minds in order for us not to produce the kinds of chemicals that may cause diseases in our bodies. I am not suggesting that we not feel what we feel and express our emotions.
If we find that we can prevent some of our illnesses by simply choosing healthy thoughts and practicing patience then it makes sense to do this. This is especially true when we are in situations that we cannot change.

Today, I decided to go shopping at Whole Foods Market. I found everything that I wanted. I had a feeling that something was unusual but I did not know what it was. I saw 15-20 police officers in the far parking lot of the Whole Foods Market. Once I completed my shopping I left the mall and preceded to take my usual route home. I drove about 2 blocks and there was no more movement. I was in line for about 30 minutes and realized that I was not going anywhere until the services for a slain police officer was complete and that could take hours. I had groceries that needed refrigeration and I had not eaten all day. I made a choice to just be patient. I sat there in my car and took deep breaths while listening to music. Then I noticed that some of the cars found a driveway and use it as an exit. I was sitting next to the median so, I decided I would drive across the median and go in the other direction and take a back road. Instead of feeling depressed, upset or disgusted, I felt that I had a solution to my problem which came through having patience. I crossed the median and turned around and drove in the other direction and went to Township Line and took a back route and arrived home safely.

Meditation: contemplate on, when there are things that I cannot change, I accept it with patience knowing this too shall pass. Take 3 deep cleansing breaths and go into the silence for at least 3 minutes.
Lovely LadyFran

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

At the end of a day...

At the end of a day, I make an assessment of it. I realize this day was in divine order. I am grateful for all that took place today. I ask myself, "what do I need to forgive"? Who do I need to forgive?  Did I say something unkind about someone? Did I serve well today? In my prayer, I forgive all that took place that was not my highest and best. I give thanks for all lessons that were presented to me today. I rest in the arms of God.

Meditation: contemplate on, I take a deep breath and let go of today. Breathe deeply. Take 3 cleansing breaths and go into the silence for at least 3 minutes.
Lovely LadyFran

Monday, September 17, 2012


Renunciation of action and unselfish performance of works both lead to liberation. But of the two, unselfish performance of works is superior to renunciation of action. (Bhagavad Gita 5:2)

Renunciation means not to do things-to withdraw completely and not express. (Understanding the Bhagavad Gita, page 69 paragraph 1)

It is easier to withdraw from things of the outer world. Of course, to perform right actions in the midst of people, let's say at work, takes more discipline and is probably more practical.

"Blessed is he who in the midst of the crowd can keep the serenity of his own solitude". (Emerson)

This brings me back to a situation that I faced as a classroom teacher. I prepared detail lesson plans and had sufficient exercises to go along with my lessons. My class was overcrowded. I was suppose to have 33 students in a class, I had 42. I had enough seats to accommodate 33, not 42. Confusion started to spread throughout the classroom making it impossible to teach effectively. I asked myself, what do I do now?

I could not choose renunciation. I had no place to go. So, I turned my back to my students as I continued to write on the board. I know for me the thing to do was pray. Teachers are not permitted to pray in class during school hours. I kept the position of writing on the board while softly closing my eyes as I aligned myself with God. The chaos got worse. Knowing I was not alone in this room with these confused young people was comforting. Immediately peace filled my being. Somehow, with everything going on, I had stilled myself in the midst of chaos.

I turned around and every student was looking at me with notebooks opened and pencils in hand an there was not a sound in the room. I began my lesson. I was grateful and so silently I said, thank you God.

The help I desired was manifested in an instant. Yes, God is as instant as you are.

Prayer is a spiritual practice that I practice not only each day but as often as I feel the need to do so.

Meditation: contemplate on, no matter where I am, God is there. God lives within me. Take 3 deep cleansing breaths, go into the silence for at least 3 minutes. Lovely LadyFran

Sunday, September 16, 2012

When do I heed the call to serve God?

What does it mean to hear that inner voice call for you to serve God? 
When do you hear that call to service?

I believe we are called from the beginning of time, whatever that means. For me, I believe the call was before we took on human form. Even at five years old I knew that I heard the voice of God. To me I became aware of a power within me greater than me calling me to serve my fellow man/woman. I did not really have anyone to explain all the questions that I had at that time.
The only answer my mother offered me was, you have a gift. She even said that she had this gift too. None of this made any sense to me. I began to have a fear of myself which resulted later on in my life as health issues, physical and mental.

I have known about the power of prayer very early in my life. Not understanding the many questions and feelings that I had, I prayed. In all matters, I pray. I still do.

As early as four or five years old, I had a good understanding of people and a good sense of people who needed to be uplifted. Family, friends of family, classmates and later colleagues and neighbors love being in my presence. I realized love radiated through me and expressed through me in many ways in my everyday life.

A smile, a few kind words (from the heart...people can feel if your words are genuine or not), a helping hand, and spiritual support. Since my mother did not force me to join or attend a church, I was able to explore many different religions. Most churches did not appeal to me. I realized at an early age, organized religion was not for me, however, I yearned for fellowship and some of the activities such as singing in a choir. In my early years, I believed that I had to give service through a church so, I toiled with the idea that if I was to serve God then I needed to belong to a church. I had a dream that seem to help me with this idea. I realized that I had to give serious thought to what is service to God. I began to accept for myself that anything that I did for my fellowman that helped them and uplifted them was service. I also knew that it did not have to be giving money only. In giving service, it had to feed my soul. This would be one of my indicators that I was on the right path.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

I am grateful...


With a grateful heart, I accept all blessings. It is in this space that I see that all is well with my life. It is in a state of gratitude that I am hopeful. When I am in this state, I see things as they must be. I allow the Divine Plan to unfold and I allow myself to be guided by the infinite light of God.

Even if my health outwardly seems not to be as I would like it to be, I know that this too shall pass. Even if my relationships are not as I imagine them, I know with faith that this too will change. In a state of gratitude my perception of things change. In a state of gratitude, I experience joy, love, peace and happiness.

Meditation: contemplate on, I live in a state of gratitude. With my inner eye, I see my perfection that is now my reality. I am grateful. Take 3 deep cleansing breaths and go into the silence for at least 3 minutes.
Lovely LadyFran

Friday, September 14, 2012

Living an abundant life

Life is about living.

Life is about living life more abundantly. Everyday is not the same for anyone. Some days are filled with more joy and excitement than other days. It is how we navigate through those days that are not as joyous as other days that matters. This is when we rely on our faith and spiritual practice to bring us back to the high ground.

Meditation: contemplate on, In the beginning God claims all things good. God lives within me and expresses through me as me. So, I am living life abundantly. Take 3 deep cleansing breaths and go into the silence for at least 3 minutes. Lovely LadyFran

Spiritual Practices

1. Prayer/Treatment/Affirmative prayer

2. Guided Meditation - Visioning

3. Using the imagination -visualization

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Attaining my desires...

Meditation: contemplate on, I attain my desires by being aware that it is my thoughts that create my reality. Take 3 deep cleansing breaths and go into the silence for at least 3 minutes. Lovely LadyFran

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


                        David Ault, Senior Minister for Center for Spiritual Living in Atlanta, Ga.

                                David Ault is a Minister, Author and a Visionary Vocalist.

 When we raise our sights up, we are  Remembering. When we lower our sights, we are Forgetting.

Rev. David gives us a lot to think about. I was taken back to when I was five. I was remembering who I am...hmmmm. Take a look at this video and let's chat, right here, right now. Lovely LadyFran

It's About Service...Service is a Gift.

It's About Service...Service is a Gift.
When I serve others, others are serving me. It's never one sided. The dear ones that I serve may not be the same ones who serve me when I need it. The Divine Infinite Power provides for me always.

Service is a gift. I cherish this gift as I give it and as I receive it. When I step out into the world, sometimes I do not know how I will serve that day. It can be spontaneous or planned, nevertheless, I gladly step forward and do my part.

We are always in Law. What we put out, we receive back. I want a life of harmony, peace, joy and love. I want a life filled with loving friendships, loving relationships and love all around me. I have to be all that I want to receive. I consciously look at my friendships and ask the question, am I a good friend? I look at my relationships and ask, what can I do to make this relationship more harmonious and loving? All I have to do is to turn inward. Love is already within me. I become consciously aware of it and embrace it and it radiates outward. I attract to me what I embrace and is me. Now, I wait expecting the changes around me to take place in my reality,

It's all about service. Service is giving and sharing.

Meditation: contemplate on, it's all about service to others and giving of myself. As I give so do I receive. Take 3 deep cleansing breaths and go into the silence for at least 3 minutes. Lovely LadyFran

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

In Peace I Live...

 I recognize the Presence of God that lives within me. The Presence of God is Peace, Love, Beauty, Harmony. I realize and connect with the Peace of God that lives in all of us. The Peace and Love of God is flowing through me, expressing as me through my words, deeds and right actions. I see Peace touching each heart making our world Peaceful, Loving and Harmonious. Today, I make a positive difference through my smile, a kind word or through my patience with another. I am grateful for knowing the truth. I am grateful for Peace, Love and Harmony manifesting in the World. I release my word into the Law of action. I let go and let God. And So It Is.

Meditation: contemplate on, I live in Peace. I live in Love. I live in Harmony. Breathe deeply. Breath in Love, breathe out Peace. Breath in Love, breath out Love. Breathe in Love, breathe out Harmony. Take 3 cleansing breaths and go into the silence for at least 3 minutes. Lovely LadyFran

Monday, September 10, 2012

I choose Health...

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

I choose health. I recognize the "Presence of God" in my life. The living God resides within me. In perfection and wholeness, God is and dwells in me and every atom in my body. I realize that Health is my natural state of being, I claim it.With open arms I receive it. I give thanks for this truth. I release my word into the action of God. I release. I let go and let God. And So It Is. Amen.

Meditation: contemplate on, I choose health. There is no other choice. I accept it. Take 3 deep cleansing breaths. Go into the silence for at least 3 minutes. Lovely LadyFran

I know that I need to talk with people to help me on this journey. Blogging just may be a way we can speak frankly about how we feel about life. You, out there in cyberspace, are my guides and teachers. I also realize that I too am a guide and teacher on the path. I hope this blog serves all of us well.

Please join me in expanding consciousness for a fuller, joyous, peaceful, loving, abundant, happy, and Spirit filled life.

Love and Blessings,
Lovely LadyFran

Sunday, September 9, 2012

How may I serve today? the question.

Abundance is not just about money. Money is just one form of abundance. We are abundantly blessed when we can serve another human being. We give when we serve each other. We are giving service when we smile at someone who just may need it. We are giving service when we give another a drink of water, listen to someone with a heavy heart, or spend time with a person who is shut in. There are many different ways to give, and service is part of giving. Giving and receiving are two sides of the same coin. When we give from our deepest place inside of us, we will receive.
 Ask each day, how may I serve today?

Affirmation: I use every opportunity  to enrich my life and the lives of others! I give freely and freely I receive all that Spirit intends for me. I express Peace, Love and Prosperity. I bathe in the endless Abundance of Spirit and know It's All About Service! And So It Is! Amen.
Norma J. Cobbs, RScP

Meditation: contemplate on, God is the Source of all supply that is within me. My cup runs over. I have enough to share and spare. I give from that deep place within myself and with open arms I receive freely. Take 3 deep cleansing breaths, go into the silence for at least 3 minutes. Lovely LadyFran

Friday, September 7, 2012

God is Love and Love is God.

Love is the central flame of the universe, nay, the very fire itself. It is written that God is Love, and that we are His expressed likeness, the image of the Eternal Being. Love is self-givingness through creation, the impartation of the Divine through the human.

Love is an essence, an atmosphere, which defies analysis, as does Life Itself. It is that which Is and cannot be explained. It is common to all people, to all animal life, and evident in the response of plants to those who love them. Love reigns supreme over all.

The essence of love, while elusive, pervades everything, fires the heart, stimulates the emotions, renews the soul and proclaims the Spirit. Only love knows love, and love knows only love. Words cannot express its depths or meaning. A universal sense alone bears witness to the divine fact: God is Love and Love is God.
The Science of Mind, page 478, paragraph 2,3,4

 Meditation: contemplate on, God is Love and I am Love made in the likeness of God through which I express Love. Words cannot fully express it. I do know that Love permeates my being. Take 3 deep cleansing breaths, go into the silence for at least 3 minutes. Lovely LadyFran