Tuesday, September 25, 2012

We are always at Choice...

How do we know when we make a choice that it is the right one? We must realize that we are making choices all the time. We have been making choices from the beginning of our entry into this plane. I believe this to be true. After all, it is written in scriptures that man/woman was given freewill, the right of choice.

My grandson was diagnosed with autism when he was two and a half years old. He had the classic symptoms. He stared off into space and there was no eye contact. He did not smile nor did he speak. I remember reading that the spirit in a baby, young child, an adult, older adult and everything made is the same spirit because there is but one Spirit. I believe the spirit that flows through my grandson is the same spirit that flows through me. I am one with my grandson.

My grandson and I spent many hours together. I knew very little about autism. I decided to meditate with him in my arms and speak to him not through words but through the heart. Each day, I would hug him. I told him I love him. I would cup his face in my hands and look into his eyes very close while speaking to him. His eyes were dark as though someone had turned the lights off. I told him that I loved him very much and that I was glad he was here on earth with me at this time. I told him that people on earth communicated through language. If he chose to speak then his family would know if he were happy or not. I appealed to him to try to speak with help of course from everyone who loves him. I needed a sign that he understood me and would let me know that he was making a choice about how his life was going to precede.  He seemed miserable and not very happy about being present in this life.

After I meditated with him  for several days, there was something different about him on this particular day. He was sitting on my lap with his head on my shoulder, as he normally did. I sat quietly and meditated with him. He fell asleep while I meditated. Then, he woke up, took his hands and cupped my face and looked into my eyes and smiled at me. I could not believe it. I saw the light turn on in his eyes. That day, I believe he made a choice to be present in this life.

How do we know when we make a choice that it is the right one? When the result of that choice works well not just for you but for all concerned, everyone one in your life.

Meditation: contemplate on, I still myself and listen to my intuition it leads and guides me in making right choices. Take 3 deep breaths and go into the silence for at least 3 minutes. Lovely LadyFran

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