Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Believe...act as like you already have it...

I decided to give my granddaughter my old iPhone over a year ago. Her dad said to me, "I... do not have an iPhone". Her dad talked her into trading phones with him. Although, she agreed to this swap, she was not a happy camper. He also said at that time she could not have a working phone. Her dad took the phone and went to the phone store to get the phone updated and found out that he could replace my old iPhone with a new equivalent one for 99cents. Once he received his new phone, he returned the old phone back to me. 

When she comes to my house, I allow her to play games on the phone and she is delighted. I think this was all she needed to convince herself that this phone was indeed hers.

 I again told my granddaughter that the phone was hers and when her parents decide to allow her to have a phone, she could have this one. She tried to convince her parents to let her have the phone saying that all her friends have phones. Well, finally it is her turn. When her mother told me that she told my granddaughter that she could have a phone, it made me a happy grandmother. I realize the first phone she will own will be my old iPhone. I admitted to her mother that I was as excited about this birthday as my granddaughter. My granddaughter still does not know that she will be the proud owner of her own iPhone. She is finally going to have this iPhone that just keeps being passed around and returned back to me.

Today I went to a telephone store to activate the phone for my granddaughter. With her birthday coming up, this is the perfect present and the perfect time to give her the iPhone.
My granddaughter has been intrigued with my old iPhone for sometime now. She already claimed the old iPhone months ago when I got my new one. When she comes to my house she asks about the phone, referring to it as hers. She even told her two big brothers that she has an iPhone at her grandmother's house. She told me that her brothers laughed at her. She believes this and certainly acted as if and was living as though she had this phone. 

This gives me such pleasure to do this for my granddaughter. Her birthday is in two weeks and I went shopping for a gift bag, a card and bow to present this present to my granddaughter. I know this is going to be one of the best birthdays for me and my granddaughter. It is nothing like giving someone something they really, really want.

Meditation: contemplate on, I believe and act as if and live as though I have all that I need. Take 3 deep cleansing breaths and then go into the silence for at least 3 minutes. Lovely LadyFran

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