Saturday, November 17, 2012

Enthusiasm from the deep well within...

I am excited about preparing for a juice fast that I have decided to do. I have been visualizing and seeing myself making healthy choices in diet and exercises. I have a juicer but wanted the Breville fountain plus. I saw it in the documentary film, "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead", which was very encouraging.

Although, I respect the people in the documentary, I will adapt the program to what is needed for me. I do not know if I will do a sixty day juice fast or just include juice fasting in my program. I am doing things one day at a time.

As I meditate and allow Spirit to move through me and to be open to hear how I am being directed; opportunities seem to come my way. I looked on Amazon for this juicer and it was reasonable but, I was led to go to Bed, Bath and Beyond and received an incredible deal, so I bought one.

I had lost some of my motivation and enthusiasm to move forward in taking charge of getting back on the healthy trail. I know what to do. I turned within to my Source for what I need to start back on this road to feeling energetic and enthusiastic about life. When you are not fully healthy, the rest of your life is just moving on auto pilot. I am now actively co-creating my life with the creator.

Meditation: contemplate on, I go within and pull from the deep well, enthusiasm. Enthusiasm radiates throughout my being. And now, I make healthy wise choices as I enjoy the process in my healing. Take 3 deep cleansing breaths and then go into the silence for at least 3 minutes. Lovely LadyFran

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