Saturday, August 25, 2012

In The Stillness...

In the Stillness...

I begin my day with a prayer of gratitude. I also pray for myself and others. Sitting in my glider chair next to a table where I have a candle, a vision board, a lucky bamboo plant and some stones with words written on them like, peace, love and kindness, I then begin to meditate. Sometimes the meditation lasts for 20 minutes or 40 minutes or as short as 3 minutes, and then I go into the silence. The next thing that I do is to read inspirational materials from magazines or books such as, The Daily Word, The Science of Mind magazine or The Science of Mind book by Ernest Holmes. The Bible and other scriptures and inspirational books are together in a basket where I can have easy access to them. I meditate in the mornings, sometimes in the evenings or right before going to bed.

In the stillness is where all answers are. I take time each day to sit a few minutes in the silence. I do not speak or ask questions nor do I ask for anything before going into the silence.

Prayer can be thoughts about some of my desires or just being grateful for all that I have.
then, I breathe and notice my breath. Next I take 3 deep cleansing breaths, let go and become still. Sometimes I use a mantra such as peace. I say peace over and over in my mind and then I let go. After this meditation, I feel energized and relaxed all at the same time. I then continue my regular routine.

1 comment:

  1. I have so many questions.....I have to work on that "stillness" piece to gain clarity and some answers....
