Wednesday, December 5, 2012

I will do all that I can...

I will do all that I can with whatever I have, wherever I am...I will let good enough, be good enough. by Gratitude Photos

This was a quote from a poster. It resonated with me. This is living in the moment and fully. Sometimes in this life, I have tried to do more than there was energy or desire to do. Sometimes others were happy because they received what they wanted leaving me unhappy, and wondering why I did this.

Each day I strive to do my best wherever I am and whatever the task. I leave with satisfaction feeling that its good enough and do not think about the task or job any further. This is truly giving from the heart. If I could have done more then I would have done more. I will let good enough, be good enough.

Meditation: contemplate on, my heavenly Father is within me and is pleased with me. I let good enough be good enough. Take 3 cleansing breaths and go into the silence for at least 3 minutes. Lovely LadyFran

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