Sunday, December 30, 2012

Happy New Year! 2013

Tuesday, January 1, 2013   Happy New Year!

It feels so good to start again. This is an opportunity to set an intention to allow this year to be even better than the previous one. Today everyone has an open slate. You may fill it with all of your hearts desire.

Meditation: contemplate on, today I look forward to the many possibilities that are before me. God that lives within me is ever with me manifesting all my hearts desire. I open my heart and mind to receive my good. Take 3 deep cleansing breaths. Go into the silence for at least 3 minutes. Lovely LadyFran

More of the same or more abundance...

Preparing for the New Year.

If you want your life to stay as it is then there is nothing more to do. Even if this past year has been fantastic, there is still more of this wonderful life to experience. The only preparation that is needed in my opinion is to release the old and allow room for the new experiences. Forgiveness is high on the preparation list. Setting clear intentions is very helpful in creating the image of what you would like to see happen in your life this coming year. Although, I believe that you need a vision in your mind of what you would like to see does not mean that it will come exactly as you see it. When we allow God to enter the plan, it always turns out even better than what we see.

I suggest that you find a quiet place and take breaths and then take deep cleansing breaths and just be still and quiet. Start to write a story, in your imagination, about yourself all the way from a beginning to an end that you create. Of course, there is never an end of your story but we have to stop somewhere and just watch the story unfold.

Imagine yourself healthy, prosperous, loving and in a loving relationship, successful and at peace in a peaceful world.

Keep a journal of what is happening around you. If you do not like what you see, go back to that relaxing place, still yourself and rewrite the whole story or make changes to the story. Once the story is as you desire it then, keep this story at the forefront of your mind. Take a few minutes each day and see this story come to life in your imagination. You are giving feelings and emotions to this story and this is a way that you experience what you desire before it manifests into your reality.

Just like you wash up everyday, make it a habit to forgive yourself and others each day. Just as you put on deodorant each day, why not sit for 5 to 10 minutes daily and bring the story to life. Routines can be boring but not when the routine is shaping the way you experience life. Allow yourself to be loved by you. Love is the answer to every question. Peace is how we will be in a place in our minds to love and get along with our fellow beings, animals and the earth.

Meditation: contemplate on, I desire a fuller life. God is the author of my life. I am guided to opportunities and I am making good choices for an abundant life. Take 3 deep cleansing breaths. Go into the silence for at least 3 minutes. Lovely LadyFran

Friday, December 28, 2012

Making commitments to ourselves...

When we make improvements to our lives whether it is losing weight or going out more, we feel more of ourselves and we can be even more present with others.

Because I picked up a few pounds more than my frame is use to, I found myself not feeling like interacting with my grandchildren or others as much. I love rolling around on the floor with them, dancing with them and just being who I am. After the weight crept onto my body, I stop doing a lot of things with them. I began to do some things about it but I was not consistent.

I missed truly being in the moment with them, so I decided to make a commitment to myself to change my lifestyle. I am making gradual changes and the result is gradual. I am pleased. I feel better. I am breathing better. My grandchildren can see the difference in me even if they do not say anything. They enjoy being with me and enjoying some of the activities that I stop doing. All I need is the awareness of the love that lives within me.

Meditation: contemplate on, the love of God lies within me. I am loving and I am love and I am loved. Love expresses through me as me. Take 3 deep cleansing breaths. Go into the silence for at least 3 minutes. Lovely LadyFran

I feel comfortable right where I am...

 Affirmation: I am perfect in every way in Spirit.

I am fortunate that I do not have any health issues. I am disease free and for this I am grateful. I still would like to release some excess weight that I carry on my body, improve my health and change my lifestyle.

This year I decided to take control of my health by letting go of foods that do not serve me or my body. I have been doing various things all year long. I already eat organic. I decided to incorporate juicing, raw foods and to use my blender to make green (vegetable) drinks. I am using more herbs and root vegetables in my daily menus. I am making an attempt to drink more water and do light exercises. The effect has been gradual. It does not bother me that my progress is slow because I want to change my lifestyle. It amazes me how others who say that they accept me as I am have advice about how I can improve myself even faster as though my progress currently is not just as I want it to be. How is it that still others who are around me can see even the slightest improvement that I make! It is a good thing that I am comfortable right where I am and with what I am doing.

I remind anyone who is losing weight or making any other changes to be confident that you have to do what works for you and what makes you happy.

Meditation: contemplate on, I set an intention to improve my health and I do not look over my shoulders for results. I allow the Spirit of God to Divinely unfold the plan. Take 3 deep cleansing breaths. Go into the silence for at least 3 minutes. Lovely LadyFran

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Each day is unique...

Each day is unique within itself. The high winds and hard rain made it a good day and night to stay in and have a cup of tea and relax as I watched Christmas movies even though Christmas was yesterday. Today, two days after Christmas was beautiful still windy but dry outside. Each day has it own wonders.

Meditation: contemplate on, I am simply grateful for each day as it comes. Knowing the Presence of God is ever with me comforts me. Take 3 deep cleansing breaths. Go into the silence for at least 3 minutes. Lovely LadyFran

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

I am becoming more mindful each day...

Being mindful means not only do you hear but you are listening. Being mindful means not only do you look but you see with compassion. Not being mindful is why the thought (positive thought) does not register.
Dr. Rudolph Tanzi, Ph.D

Just imagine if more of us would practice these two things: truly listening and seeing with compassion, how much the whole world would change.

Meditation: contemplate on, I am being mindful. I see and hear with the eyes and ears of God. Take 3 deep breaths and go into the silence for at least 3 minutes. Lovely LadyFran

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

I'm part of all things made...not part of the drama.

It is not by choice that we are a part of everyone and everything made. This is the wholeness of God. No matter what you believe, there is no denying that every element in the earth is within you. If you have too much of something it throws your whole system off and you if you do not have enough, it throws your system off. We are connected to the earth and to each other.

Someone said to me recently that they are not part of a situation that was taking place. The truth of the matter is they are an integral part of that situation. We are characters in many people's stories. I think what they meant was they choose not to be part of another person's drama. We do not have to take the role in the story. Yes, we can choose to be in or out of another person's drama. If only, we understood that, then we could communicate more honestly and completely.

I try not to involve anyone in my drama but that does not mean they are not part of the story. When we learn the differences, we can get on with loving each other and enjoying each other for just being who we are.

Meditation: contemplate on, I am a part of everything in the Universe. I choose not to be part of another person's drama. I bless each circumstance and move on. Take 3 deep breaths and go into the silence for at least three minutes. Lovely LadyFran

Monday, December 24, 2012

I claim Peace for All...

Christmas Day!

Many people celebrate the birth of Jesus the Christ. Even if a particular religion does not celebrate Christmas, it is a respected holiday that many benefit from. There are so many lessons we can learn just by being in the flow of this time of year. Celebrating this holiday as with other Holidays around the world and in many cultures is uplifting and is always about being a better person and peace.

 Let us spread this message of Love, Harmony and Peace to everyone that we meet and let it flow out into the world. All Christmas' and celebrations of Light is beautiful and wonderful. I believe this year is special especially since we are much more aware of ourselves and each other.

I am claiming for all who reads this message and those who exists on the planet a Merry Christmas, a Happy Holiday whatever you celebrate a wonderful healing, loving, bountiful and peaceful life. May we experience Peace in our time, right now that surpasses all understanding.

Meditation: contemplate on, peace is right now. Peace is within me and begins with me. I spread peace through my thoughts, words and actions wherever I go. I experience peace that surpasses human understanding. I accept peace right now. Take 3 deep cleansing breaths and go into the silence for at least 3 minutes. Lovely LadyFran

Sunday, December 23, 2012

I allow my day to unfold Divinely...

Have you ever experienced a day when things seem to go wrong and nothing seems to go as you planned it? This was the case for a group of people who have faith that in spite of how it looks believe that the outcome would be for the good of all concerned.

People did not show up on time or did not show up at all. There seem to be some confusion but no one allowed stress to set in. It wasn't that there was no stress; stress is always present. We did not allow stress to overcome us. There was prayer for this day to unfold divinely.

What a wonderful day it was today. It was a beautiful and exciting day to spend time together and allow the Spirit of God to move through us. It is possible for a day to seemingly go wrong and to suddenly appear to be perfect when we trust that the Divine is always present.

Meditation: contemplate on, no matter how my day unfolds, I know that God is present, ever present. Take 3 deep cleansing breaths and then go into the silence for at least 3 minutes. Lovely LadyFran

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Enjoying one day at a time...

The beginning of winter is a beautiful time of the year on the East Coast. Yes, it tends to be cold. Today was a very cold day. I enjoy the cold breeze in my face and my hands because this makes me feel alive. I enjoyed looking at Poinsettias and the decorated store windows. The lights are simply breathtaking at Christmas time. The frequency of the vibration is high. Many of us are preparing for family and friends to visit us and spend family time together.

There some of us who are alone with no one to share all this joyous time. This is a time to be quiet and commune with God. Whether we are with people or alone, it is a blessed time of the year.

Meditation: contemplate on, I look around me in wonder. I do not clutter my mind with sad thoughts. I am only allowing thoughts that are loving and of good rapport. Take 3 deep cleansing breaths. Go into the silence for at least 3 minutes. Lovely LadyFran

Friday, December 21, 2012

No matter what time it is...God is ever present.

There has been a lot of events leading up to this day, December 21, 2012. Some people believe this day ends the world physically as we know it. I watched several programs on TV about the end of the world. Any topic or thing is an opportunity to make money. Some people did just that. There were shelters sold, jewelry and books written about what was to happen today.

I thought about the people who believe that we are in our last days and had a doomsday story to tell anyone who would listen. Then there are those who said that we are going to continue on to something new. One group believe the end would take us to a positive future while the other group believe that we were going into a type of hell. Here we are and it appears as though we awaken to a day pretty much like the day before this one.

In my opinion, December 21, 2012 is the end of something; that would make both points of views in agreement. We have come to the end of a world as we know it. Technology has changed for sure. We can reach out and touch anyone anywhere in the world. Although, this is possible right now, it is going to be even faster and on a much larger scale in the future. Educating children has taken a giant leap forward. In the public schools across the country, every child is required to have the internet. If parents cannot afford the internet, the cable companies will provide it for free.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Near the end of a year...

Tis the season to be jolly.

This is the season when many different religions and cultures reflect on the old life and hope for a new life through the celebration of candle lighting. This is the time when many people open their hearts and step outside of the box that they may be comfortable or familiar with. This is the time of year when people are open to love, warmth and tolerance. People are open and ready to forgive. This an ideal time for forgiveness. 

I take this opportunity each year to reflect on what I accomplished and what I would like to accomplish. I then think about those who were negative influences in my life. I forgive each one and myself so that I can begin again. This is a time to wipe the slate clean and look forward to a new beginning.

Meditation: contemplate on, I am at the end of a year and I look forward to the new year. My Source...God is ever with me. Take 3 deep breaths and go into the silence for at least 3 minutes. Lovely LadyFran

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Let there be peace...

I am recognizing the Presence that I call God that lives within all things. God lives in everyone. In everyone and everything peace lives. I am blessing everyone with peace, love and harmony. I claim peace among all people of the world. I give thanks for this truth. I release this word in Law knowing it does not return void. And So It Is. Amen.

Meditation: contemplate on, peace begins with me. Peace is within everyone. I experience peace now.
Take 3 deep cleansing breaths. Go into the silence for at least 3 minutes. Lovely LadyFran

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Memories...takes the mind from the present.

"Memories like the corners of my mind. Misty water colored memories of the way we were." lyrics from The Way We Were written by Marvin Hamlisch

It is said that if we went back to a time that we thought was so wonderful, it would not be as we remembered it. It is the memories that we hold about something. We paint the picture as we want it to be and decide for ourselves, that's the way it was.

This is a blessing. There are posts on Facebook, news reports of the tragedy of the 28 people who were victims of a tragic shooting. This tragedy must stay relatively fresh in order for the issues not to be swept under the rug. It is after all the Christmas Holiday season. This is the celebration of the birth of the Christ, Jesus.

To take our minds away from this tragedy is a good idea. One can not fill the mind only with horrific images. So I stepped back to when the Old Wanamaker's Department Store had a Christmas light show. It brought back so many pleasant memories. Although, I watched this on Youtube, I still watched just as I did when I was a young child. It's alright to move our attention from the horrible to something good.

Meditation: contemplate on, I thank God for memories. I go to the screen room and view the memories as much as I need to. I know that I do not live there for now is the only time there is. I accept this blessing. Take 3 deep blessings and go into the silence for at least 3 minutes. Lovely LadyFran

Monday, December 17, 2012


Choices are made consciously and sometimes unconsciously. Nevertheless, we are making choices all the time. Because we are responsible for the choices that we make, I think we forget that we are influenced by many factors. Our families have great influence on our choices. Friends and TV ads are very influential. If this were not so, why would companies spend millions of dollars on TV ads and marketing? The collective consciousness already have beliefs in place that are taken for granted by us as though they are absolutely true and can not be changed. Beliefs can be changed by changing your thoughts.

The first thing that I do is pray. I sit quietly in my comfortable chair and just relax, stilling my mind and body. I meditate on this matter. If I need to, I speak with a spiritual person such as a practitioner or a like-minded friend.

When I desire to make a major decision, I reflect on all of the things discussed in the first paragraph and then I try to figure out why I am indecisive about making a particular choice. This is a good approach for me.

I feel that I am finally honest with myself and I start to ask myself tough questions. Are you happy doing what you are doing? What will you do when you do not have close friends or family around you? I then make my first decision to stop listening to other people. I start asking myself what do I really want to do? When does it make sense for me to make a choice, right now or later? Who does this choice affect or impact the most?

My choices most times are not made hastily. I usually take time to decide whether I really want to do something or not.  I rely on divine guidance for help in making decisions and making wise choices.

Meditation: contemplate on, I am Divinely guided in making wise choices. Breathe deeply. Take 3 cleansing breaths and go into the silence for at least 3 minutes. Lovely LadyFran

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Give until your heart bursts with joy...

The more we give the more we receive. It is indeed a good feeling when we give of ourselves to others. That's what life is about. Sometimes our understanding of giving is what keeps us from giving. If there is not an overflow of money then we sometimes believe that we have nothing to give. There is so much to give. When we give a smile or a hug to someone, these are gifts that we give from our hearts. Offering a friend lunch or dinner is a gift of fellowship and what a gift this is. It is a gift when someone helps another with heavy bags. There are more ways to give than with money. Life is full of giveaways. Give until your heart burst with joy.

Meditation: contemplate on, as I give I receive. All of my needs are supplied to me from my source. Take 3 deep cleansing breaths. Now, go into the silence for at least 3 minutes. Lovely LadyFran

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Prayer for All...God is everywhere present...

 Prayer for us and the families in Newtown, Connecticut:

Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence? If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there. If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost part of the sea. Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me. Psalm 139: 7-10

I recognize the Presence of God that lives in all and everything. God is Peace, Love and Harmony. There is only One Life and that Life is perfect. All of us live and have our being in that One Life that I call God. Peace, Love and Harmony is within all of us. God is everywhere present. Love, peace and harmony is everywhere present. I realize that the flow of this loving energy is in and around each one of us, and expresses as us. So, I am blessing each person who was touched in any way by this tragedy. I bless the families who suffered a loss of a love one. May peace surround the families, their community and the nation. In God everything is whole and complete so all is well. I give thanks for this truth and the manifestation of unseen Good. I release this word into the Law knowing it does not return void. I release and let God. And So It Is. Amen

Meditation: contemplate on, God is within me. God is everywhere present. I am never alone. Peace, Love and Harmony lives in me. I am peaceful, calm and loving. Take 3 deep cleansing breaths and then go into the silence for at least 3 minutes. Lovely LadyFran

Friday, December 14, 2012

Peace is so could touch it.

On Friday, December 14, 2012, a horrible massacre took place in Newtown, Connecticut. 27 people were killed of which 20 were children. I could not believe what I was reading and watching on the news channel. This is not the first time that this kind of violence has taken place. In fact, violence by guns is becoming more frequent with many people blaming every facet of society for what happened today. Many people feel that there should be more gun control laws. Nothing seems to be working to assure our citizens that this will not happen again. It seems to get worse instead of better.

What you focus on you get more of it. When you accept thoughts into your mind and attached emotions to the thoughts, the manifestation of the thoughts shows up in your life. This does not mean that nothing is to be done about this horrible tragedy. Feelings must be expressed and the survivors of the dead must grieve. Lawmakers must be responsible and introduce laws that will keep us safe from harm and needless violence.

When we realize that peace, harmony, love and compassion is within us and when we align ourselves with peace, with love, with compassion then, we will experience peace in our lifetime.  We must think and speak more peaceful, loving, kind and compassionate thoughts. Our faith must remain strong.

Meditation: contemplate on, what I see in the world is not true in Spirit. My faith is strong. I align myself with peace that lies within me and I see peace in the world now. Breathe deeply. Inhale slowly take a deep cleansing breath, then release it through your nose. Inhale another deep breath and exhale through your mouth. Take one more deep breath slowly exhaling through your nose. Breathe noticing your breath. Go into the silence for as long as you would like to. Lovely LadyFran

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Everything must change...

Today there was a list of 40 public school closings in Philadelphia in June 2013. As I read the article I saw that  both my old Jr. High and Senior high schools were closing. I posted this information on our high school alumni page with sadness.

I reminded myself that everything must change and nothing stays the same. Sometimes I like going into an old neighborhood and reflecting on old memories of my past days as a student. I have even stopped in to a school that I attended to see if I would recognize a familiar face.

With these two school closings, there were special memories. I student taught in my former Jr. High School which became a middle school recently and I became a faculty member at my old high school where I taught mathematics for eight years. So, you can see, that there is a special place in my heart for these two schools. Although, I experienced a few moments of sadness, I realized that change is life and life is change.

Meditation: contemplate on, everything changes except God that lives within me and is changeless. Breathe deeply. Take 3 deep cleansing breaths. Go into the silence for at least 3 minutes. Lovely LadyFran

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Today's date: 12/12/12...

Today is 12/12/12. This day according to experts who study the stars and the planets, is suppose to shift so that thought and its manifestation will be in an instant.

I believe it is already true that the thought and its manifestation is instant. The faith of the thinker determines how quickly the manifestation becomes visible. People are becoming aware of themselves and the power in their thoughts. It is an exciting time to be alive.

Consciousness is being raised in man/woman. I see a world of peace, love, prosperity and people caring about each other. Although, I see this happening this does not mean that I believe that everyone believes this. People in our world have become more spiritual while falling away from organized religion. Whether we see major changes or small changes, we have our being in God. God is all there is.

Meditation: contemplate on, There is no time or space in the Mind of God. There is only God. There is only One Life. That Life is God. That Life is my life now. Exhale out through your mouth. Now, inhale deeply and exhale through your nose. Take another deep breath in and breath out through your mouth. Take one more deep breath in and exhale through your nose. Now, notice your breathing for as long as you like. Lovely LadyFran

Monday, December 10, 2012

An ending is an opportunity for a beginning...

On December 10th, I wrote my 100th article. This has been an exciting experience that is taking me to unexpected paths on my journey. The date itself, 12/10/2012, when each digit is added together the sum is 9. Nine represents completion just as it takes nine months for a human being to be completely formed. I am certain that this blog is guiding me to places that help me and others to grow. 

Meditation: contemplate on, as one project ends a new one begins. My gifts and talents keep appearing in my life and I love what I do. Take a deep breath. Take another deep breath. Take one more deep breath. Now, go into the silence for at least three minutes. Lovely LadyFran

Pray without ceasing...

When we pray without ceasing there is always that peaceful state that is forever ours just for the asking. Some days do not take much effort. It goes smoothly and joyfully. There are other days when someone says something that may just not be what you want to hear. It is not a matter that you needed to hear whatever was said. This someone could just be inconsiderate or not very mindful. There is an opportunity to realize that you can pray and leave the matter in God's hand. This is the beauty of praying without ceasing. You feel that you are not alone in any circumstance.

Meditation: contemplate on, I pray without ceasing. I am surrounded by the loving Spirit of God eternally. Take a deep cleansing breath. Take two more deep cleansing breaths. Go into the silence for at least 3 minutes. Lovely LadyFran

*This is my 100th article.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Change your beliefs...change your thoughts...

The more inner work you do on yourself, the more able you are to hear the truth about your behavior and not get angry. I was watching Iyanla, Fix my life which is a television show. This is a show where Iyanla Vanzant goes from city to city and to different states to help people with their lives by helping them to face the truth about themselves (the truth about their behavior). She also reminds them of the truth of who they are. She reminds them that they are enough and already have everything they need to live a fulfilling life.

As I watched the show, I thought to myself, would I become angry because a truth about my behavior has come up. I think the answer is yes, sometimes. I am getting better with facing truths that are unpleasant or do not fit the image that I am accustomed to projecting. When I see a behavior before me that could stand overhauling and I can laugh about it and I do not get upset, this shows growth.

Meditation: contemplate on, I am open to the truth. I change my beliefs by changing my thoughts. Take 3 deep cleansing breaths, go into the silence for at least 3 minutes. Lovely LadyFran

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Bring passion to everything that you do...

Sometimes we think that a job or event magically makes us passionate about doing it. Listening to Jean Houston on Oprah's Super Soul Sunday made me think about this idea of the job bringing the passion to people instead of it being the other way around.

Perhaps, this may be why many people find something new and before long the passion leaves. Passion is within all of us. We must begin to bring passion to everything that we do. This includes vacuuming the rugs, dusting the tables and doing the laundry.

Once we realize this is the direction we must go in, then we will begin to experience passion in others, our work, entertainment and our relationships. It is always an inside job out and not the other way around.

Meditation: contemplate on, I go within to that sacred space and become one with passion, love, peace. I bring passion, love and peace to all that I do. Take 3 deep cleansing breaths and go into the silence for at lease 3 minutes. Lovely LadyFran

Friday, December 7, 2012

Nothing is free in life.

Nothing is free in life. This is such a true statement. I believe that we are all here to serve each other. We are participants and co-creators in this life. When we are blessed, we are to enjoy our blessing and pass a blessing along to others. I do not think it stops with me or you.
What ever the blessing is that you receive does not have to be the same one that you pass on to your neighbor. The neighbor's need may be different from yours.

We do not have to keep cash on hand or spare clothes available. We only need to open our hearts and ask, how may I serve today? The answer will come. Your blessing to someone else could be a smile, a hug, spending time with a lonely person, or taking time to listen to someone. Giving and receiving are two sides of the same coin. When we receive, we must give. When we give, we receive.

Meditation: contemplate on, I open my heart and mind to receive my good and I give openly from my heart. Giving and receiving completes the circle. Take 3 deep cleansing breaths, go into the silence for at least 3 minutes. Lovely LadyFran

Thursday, December 6, 2012


Breathe and let go. I allow myself to be at one with all of life. I am moving through this day with ease and grace. These quality thoughts must be intentionally allowed to flow into our minds so that they may come into fruition. This is one way to set good intentions in order to have a good day. Our days will be happier.

Meditation: contemplate on, I breathe and let go of any thoughts that do not serve me. I breathe and take in thoughts that serve my highest and best. Take 3 deep cleansing breaths, go into the silence for at least 3 minutes. Lovely LadyFran

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

I will do all that I can...

I will do all that I can with whatever I have, wherever I am...I will let good enough, be good enough. by Gratitude Photos

This was a quote from a poster. It resonated with me. This is living in the moment and fully. Sometimes in this life, I have tried to do more than there was energy or desire to do. Sometimes others were happy because they received what they wanted leaving me unhappy, and wondering why I did this.

Each day I strive to do my best wherever I am and whatever the task. I leave with satisfaction feeling that its good enough and do not think about the task or job any further. This is truly giving from the heart. If I could have done more then I would have done more. I will let good enough, be good enough.

Meditation: contemplate on, my heavenly Father is within me and is pleased with me. I let good enough be good enough. Take 3 cleansing breaths and go into the silence for at least 3 minutes. Lovely LadyFran

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


For a long time, when I have a lot to do in a day, I take a short cut and buy dinner from Whole Foods Supermarket. There is nothing like preparing a meal to order for yourself. I would even tell myself that I did not want to do dishes. This is my lower self trying to talk myself out of making meals at home that are tastier, healthier and nutritious.

Once I let the  inner talk stop, I returned home and prepared a meal for myself. The meal was nutritious and the cleanup was quick and easy.

This is an example of self talk that can have an affect on our actions. It is important to deliberately self talk and allow high quality thoughts that make a positive different in our lives.

Meditation: contemplate on, I only allow thoughts in my mind that affect my life in a positive way. Take 3 deep cleansing breaths, go into the silence for at least 3 minutes. Lovely LadyFran

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Everyday is a good day...

Everyday is a good day. I have heard this said by people that I know, who see life as good no matter what is going on in their lives.

This makes me wonder if I am missing something. I think we generalized the whole day by one experience that was not favorable. If the day goes the way we expect it to, then it is a good day. If the day does not go exactly as we want it to, then it is not a good day.

Today, I had to come face to face with that expression, that is, everyday is a good day. It is true that everyday is a good day. We must find the good in our day and then focus on that. Today, my day started off with a challenge that could have made me feel that my whole day was going to be like this, which was not good to me. I took some deep breaths and believed that this challenge would turn out alright and it did.

Later, I received  a call with another challenge and again it was as though I was starting my day anew. I began to breathe and focus on what is good about this day and being grateful.  No matter how I feel or how I respond to what I was feeling, I still believed that everything would work out. When I take away the challenges of today, the rest of the day was marvelous. Sometimes, I wonder why do I concentrate on 2 hours out of a 24 hour day that did not go the way I wanted it to, instead of focusing on the other part of the day. I know there is still more inner work to be done on. As I continue on my journey, I release old matters and discover new beginnings. At the end of this day, I must say, it was a good day.

Meditation: contemplate on, as I walk on my journey, I stay in the now by releasing old matters and by discovering new beginnings. Take 3 deep cleansing breaths then, go into the silence for at least 3 minutes.
Lovely LadyFran

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Joy and Laughter...

Having joy and laughter in your life is part of living a spiritual life. We are to have a rich and full life.

Today is my granddaughter's birthday. What joy it brought me to see her and give her a gift that she has wanted for sometime. The more I live life I want to spend it with family, friends and love ones. This to me is what life is about. Money is important but being with people that you care about, sharing, laughing and to fellowship with like minded people is another kind of abundance. I want to say that I truly enjoyed my granddaughter's birthday almost as much as she did. Thank you sweetheart for sharing your birthday with me.

Meditation: contemplate on, the joy that is within me, I allow to flow through me into my experiences. Take 3 deep cleansing breaths. Go into the silence for at least 3 minutes. Lovely LadyFran