Saturday, August 24, 2013

How heavy is the glass of water?

There was a poster on Facebook  with a lesson that was taught by a psychologist on stress.

The psychologist held up a glass of water and the audience thought that she was going to ask if the glass of water was half full or half empty. Instead she asked how heavy is the glass of water. Now the audience thought that the psychology wanted answers like 4oz or 8oz. These are not the answers that the psychologist was looking for.

The psychologist then said if you hold the this glass of water for a minute, it would feel light. If you hold the glass for an hour the same glass of water would make your arm feel tired. The psychologist further stated if you hold this same glass of water for a day, your arm would become numb. The water in the glass is like stress or things that one holds in their heart. To get rid of this stress...the psychologist suggested to remember to set the glass down.

What a great stress release exercise and a great way to show when we hold onto emotions and feelings that do not serve us they weigh us down and we must release them. I am adding to this exercise that forgiveness comes into the picture. Forgive, release and let go...


Contemplate on: My heart feels heavy so I must set the glass down.

Affirmation: I forgive myself first then others and allow myself to release and let go.

Path to Silence: Take 3 deep cleansing breaths and go into the silence for at least 3 minutes.
Lovely LadyFran

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