Sunday, August 4, 2013

Every day is a good depends on how you look at it.

Intention: Purpose, Meaning

Setting an intention and staying focused on it brings it into reality.

Friday was the day my nine year old granddaughter was in a summer camp talent show. I set an intention that I was going to that show since I missed her last summer in the show; of which she sang a solo.

As the time came near to preparing to leave for the camp I began looking for my long distance glasses that transition to sunglasses and then I starting looking for my prescription sunglasses and to no avail. The only glasses that I had left were a pair that I carry in my purse to look at print close up.

I told myself that I would be fine. After careful preparation, I stepped outside and the blaring sun took over. The glasses from my purse does not have a tint. I got into my car and on the way I went. I have never been to this camp before so I hoped that I remembered how to get there.

To get to the bottom line, I made it to my granddaughter's talent show and enjoyed it very much. My granddaughter was very pleasantly surprised to see me. She left her friends and came over to where I was seated. She sang her solo beautifully and then later in the program she did a duet with a friend. I enjoyed every minutes of the talent show and later I returned to my car and drove home safely.

Just as I drove into my driveway, I decided to look in the eyeglass holder in my car and guess single lens glasses were in this container. I took a few more deep breaths and went into my house and went straight to my desk and glanced over at the corner of the monitor on my desktop and what do you think I prescription sunglasses.

I did not let the circumstances described above bother me. I continued knowing I would be able to drive to the talent show and return home safely. I also put it in my mind that I would enjoy the show and my entire day. I had a fantastic day. Everyday is a good day depending on how you see it.


Contemplate on: I am one with the Creator of the Universe.

Affirm: I co-create with Spirit by making good choices. I choose all sides of a day, favorable or unfavorable as infinite possibilities.

Path to Silence: Take 3 deep cleansing breaths. Go into the silence for at least 3 minutes. Lovely LadyFran

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