Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Snow is a blessing...depends on how you see it!

Snow is precipitation in the form of flakes of crystalline water ice  that falls
 from clouds.~Wikipedia

If you have to go out when it is snowing, some of us do not see the beauty in the snow. I had a view like this about 3 or so weeks ago. I did not make it back home from Whole Foods before the hugh snow fall. I did not see the beauty in the snow that day. Briefly, I was ungrateful for the snow and everything that surrounded the weather.

Thank God, I seek the silence everyday. I had plenty of time to reflect and realize how blessed I am. It was yesterday while the snow was falling that each flake had a unique beauty because each flake was different. I could clearly see that each flake was a different size and shape. There is something about snow...and I mean a large amount of it that silence the street from its usual noise. It is in the silence where all possibilities are. It is when one can think deeply. It is where peace, love and joy lives. I was grateful for the art that was formed by the snowflakes coming together to cover the branches of the trees in unique ways. I reached for my phone camera and began taking pictures and videos of the snow fall. I had a chance to just be...be in the presence that I call God.

It was time well spent. I am grateful that I can see the snowflakes. I am grateful for the way the noise comes to a halt. I am grateful for the ups and downs of life. No, I could not make my dental appointment yesterday because my driveway was not shoveled and the office where I was going closed for the day. It all worked out and I had more time to spend in my personal snow art gallery. In all things, there is much to be grateful for, even weather we do not particularly want to travel in.


Contemplation: In all things, there is much to be grateful for.

Affirmation: In all situations, there is much to be grateful for. You only have to look.

Path to Silence: Take 3 deep breaths. Go into the silence for at least 3 minutes.
 Lovely LadyFran

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