Thursday, October 17, 2013

Simply Grateful!

Gratitude: To appreciate; to be thankful; to be thankful to and for Source the provider of all things. Frances Johnson

Recognition: I recognize Source, the Magnificent "Presence" that I call God. This Presence is in and flows through and expresses as all things made.

Unification: I am one with this Presence. Since this Presence is whole, perfect and complete and I am made in Its image then, I am whole, perfect and complete. That wholeness is my very nature. I know this to be true for me and so this is true of every being.

Realization: With God's presence all is well. All is perfect. All is complete. God is everywhere present, so, I realize what a fantastic day this is.

Thankfulness: And so, I give thanks for today and everyday. I give thanks that our government is reopened. I give thanks for those without jobs that may return to their jobs and others will find jobs. I am thankful for those retired who receive pensions and social security that their benefits have been restored. I am thankful for the return of services that were unknown to us to be affected by the shutdown of our government. I am thankful for all beings and all things made on the earth. I am grateful to know that the peace, love, and joy within me touches everyone and everything in the world, the earth and the cosmos.

Release: I release these words into the law knowing that each word is fulfilled. I let go and let God. And So It Is.


Contemplation: Gratefulness.

Affirmation: From the depth of my soul, I am grateful.

Path to Silence: Take a few cleansing breaths and then sit quietly going into that place of all possibilities, where you ask for nothing, there is no need, there is just love. Sit in the silence for at least 3 minutes. Lovely LadyFran

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